Zoom Slider is a new feature from Power BI that gives users an easy way to examine a smaller range of data in a chart without having to use a filter.
For example, when the range of time in your chart is too long, it is quite difficult to read and understand the data.
In the above representation, when the range of time of the chart is too long, it is quite difficult to read and understand the data.
Now that we have adjusted the time frame by selecting January 2020 to July 2020, there is an accurate emphasis on this period giving a clearer visual.
The zoom slider can be turned on by clicking the visual first. Secondly, you must open the Format subpanel on the Visualization panel.
After being turned on, a slider will appear on the Visual. You will now have an option to turn the zoom slider of both axes on, or just the single axis.
Zoom Slider options can also be applied to the bar chart, but only for the Y-axis slider (Values).
Anda baru saja menyaksikan kekuatan transformatif Zoom Slider dalam membuka wawasan berharga dan mendorong pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan data. Namun memaksimalkan potensi Power BI memerlukan lebih dari sekadar memahami fitur-fiturnya – hal ini memerlukan implementasi strategis yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan unik bisnis Anda.
Dari pemodelan data ahli dan pengembangan laporan terbaik hingga pembuatan dasbor dinamis dan sesi pelatihan pengguna, BI Solusi hadir untuk memberi Anda solusi menyeluruh yang tidak hanya memenuhi tetapi juga melampaui harapan Anda. Jelajahi lebih dalam Implementasi Power BI dengan mengklik tombol di bawah, dan mari kita mulai perjalanan menarik ini bersama-sama!